

Do you want to improve the skills and knowledge of your current and future leaders?

Trainings for employees or managers are adapted by topic and duration from a few hours to a multi-month training series. We identify training needs to enable superior work performance and further growth in leadership skills, team management skills, and personal effectiveness.

The aim of the training is creating a learning experience i podrške za dalji razvoj potrebnih kompetencija i stavova, kako bi se zaposleni osnažili da  uspešno prihvate svoju ulogu i postignu očekivane rezultate ili kako bi se pripremili za narednu stepenicu u njihovom razvoju karijere.

Each training shown here as independent can be combined to create a training project and an extended learning experience through work assignments between meetings and follow-up. Training is a combination of sharing knowledge and information, organizing activities to practice new skills, and creating opportunities to connect and share stories that have the power to inspire and move to action.

The most common form of training is one training day, which consists of four units, approximately 1.5 hours long, with one long and two shorter breaks in between. In the case of online training, it is recommended that it be limited to half the training day, i.e. in two parts of 1.5 hours.

The training can be combined with other HR initiatives so that we in parallel create space for focus groups on different topics or a discussion about a newly introduced process that requires certain learning of skills or procedures.

How does investing in employee training pay off for the company?

  • Improves the productivity of employees and teams by building the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve results in the ever-changing, demanding conditions of modern business
  • It reduces the percentage of turnover, ie. unwanted departures of employees since the need for growth and development is one of the key reasons for changing jobs
  • It sends a message to employees that they are important, positively influencing satisfaction and connection with the company
  • It enables the internal promotion of employees to positions of greater responsibility
  • It enables the uniformity of the work process, reduces the need for supervision, and generally contributes to a better knowledge of the policies and goals of the company

Training topics:

  • Time management, planning and organization
  • Stress management
  • Giving feedback to employees and talking about performance management
  • Motivating employees
  • Entrepreneurial spirit in (any) business
  • The process of recruiting, selecting and interviewing candidates
  • Conducting meetings
  • Leadership mindset
  • Communication skills and assertive communication
  • Personal responsibility and initiative in business
  • Emotional intelligence


Belgrade Serbia

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